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Umzingwane District is located in the North Eastern part of Matebeleland South Province. It shares administrative boundaries with four other districts which are Umguza to the north east,Insiza to the west,Gwanda to the South and Matobo to the west.The District covers an area of 2797 square kilometers and has twenty administrative wards. The wards are categorized as follows-twelve (12) communal,that is wards 1 to 12;wards 13,14,19,20 and part of 17 are resettlement,15,part of 17 and 18 are commercial and ward 16 is peri-urban.
The peri-urban ward houses Esigodini Growth Point which serves as the ‘district capital”Under the traditional leadership, the district is divided into four parts each managed by a traditional chief.

We have a Repution for Excellence

We Build Partnerships

Guided by Commitment

A Team of Professionals

Our Values

Every home is governed by ground rules, ethics and values... Listed below are our core values

Being responsible and answerable for our actions.

Correctness,ethical,truthfullness and reliability.

Without discrimination and any form of segregation

Capacitating communities

All actions done above board.

Ability to understand and share feelings of another.


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